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Leadership & Informational Videos
Staff Introductions
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Rev. Dr. Jeffrey W. Gibelius, Pastor
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Michelle Trefren, Director of Music Ministry
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Vicki Lantz, Coordinator of Adult Ministry
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Destinee Friskey, Office Manager
New Member Videos
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What Presbyterians Believe-Part 1--What all Christians Believe: Incarnation, Dual Nature of Christ, Trinity
What Presbyterians Believe-Part 1--What all Christians Believe: Incarnation, Dual Nature of Christ, Trinity
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What Presbyterians Believe-Part 2-The Gifts of the Protestant Reformation: Scripture Alone and Grace Alone
What Presbyterians Believe -- Part 2 -- The Gifts of the Protestant Reformation: Scripture Alone and Grace Alone
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What Presbyterians Believe-Part 3-What it Means to be "Reformed": Sovereignty, Providence, Election, Idolatry, Covenant
What Presbyterians Believe Part 3--What it Means to be "Reformed": Sovereignty, Providence, Election, Idolatry, Covenant
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How Presbyterians are Organized -- An Introduction to the Session, Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly
How Presbyterians are Organized -- An Introduction to the Session, Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly
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What do we mean when we say "Jesus is Lord"?
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What Does it Mean to Call Jesus, "Savior"?
What Does it Mean to Call Jesus, "Savior"?
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Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship 2: Wicked Bad
Why do we talk about sin and evil? Are we saying that we're wicked bad? Are we the worst of the worst? For other lessons, visit
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Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship 1: A People of Grace
For Presbyterians the first thing we need to know is that God is a God of Grace. This truth affects every aspect of our life. For other lessons, visit
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Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship 3: Who do they say that I am?
We are asked to name Jesus as our "Lord and Savior." What does that really mean? For other lessons, visit
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Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship 5: Blessed to be a Blessing
God has not called us to be concerned about ourselves. Our focus on Fellowship and Mission reminds us of that. For other videos, visit
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Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship 4: Update your faith system
Study and Worship are vital aspects of "being Presbyterian." For other lessons, visit
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"The Meaning of Life...and Worship" | Introduction to Reformed Worship, Lesson 1
In which Dr. David Gambrell of the Presbyterian Mission Agency teaches us about the theology of worship; our uses of time, space, and matter; and the impact of language, symbols, and culture on worship.
Leader Training Videos
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How Do I Make a Giving Decision?
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What Makes Presbyterians Unique?
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What Does It Mean to Call Jesus, "Lord"?
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Deacons - 5 Things to Know
5 Things to Know About Being a Deacon Officer Training by Rev. Emily McCachren
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Session - 5 Things to Know
5 Things to Know About Being on Session Officer Training by Rev. Emily McCachren
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Ordered Ministry 1 - Ordered Ministers
Wait. I thought I signed up to be a Deacon or a Ruling Elder. What's this "Ordered Ministry" thing? For other videos, visit:
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Ordered Ministry 2 - Being Leaders
Being a leader in the Presbyterian Church is not about accomplishing particular tasks. It's about discerning where God is leading and then helping a congregation follow? But how do we do that? For other videos, visit:
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Ordered Ministry 12 - The Sacraments in Worship
The Sacraments are the simplest way we know to tell the story of God's Grace. Baptism and The Lord's Supper will not let us forget the truth of it.
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Ordered Ministry 13 - Prayer and Song in Worship
For most people, it is the prayers and music in worship that are the introduction to the Christian Faith.
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Ordered Ministry 3 - Who is the Church?
Any consideration of who or what the Church is has to begin with a consideration of who GOD is and what GOD is up to. The good news of the Gospel is not about us. It's about God.
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Ordered Ministry 4 - What is the Church?
How do we know that the Church is the Church? What are the "marks" of the Church? for more videos, vist:
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Ordered Ministry 5 - Being a Confessional Church
The Presbyterian Church calls itself a "confessional church." We use official theological documents to help us interpret scripture. for more videos, vist:
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Ordered Ministry 6 - The Confessions
The Confessions of our church are "reliable expositions of what scriptures leads us to believe and do." But where did these confessions com from? Why were they written, and what point were they trying to make?
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Ordered Ministry 7 - A Brief Statement of Faith
What do Presbyterians believe? A lot of things. What does the Presbyterian Church teach? Find out in this brief look at A Brief Statement of Faith.
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Ordered Ministry 8 - Principles of Order and Government
Presbyterian Leaders agree to live life in a certain way, and to be corrected when we don't. What are the principles that guide us?
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Ordered Ministry 9 - The Councils of the Church
When Presbyterians do church, they do it intentionally together in groups. We call these groups "councils."
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Ordered Ministry 10 - The Dynamics of Worship
One of the primary responsibilities of the Session is to provide for a congregation's worship life. What are the basic ideas and rhythms that we need to be aware of?
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Ordered Ministry 11 - The Word in Worship
What do we mean when we say "The Word of the Lord"? Are we talking about Jesus or the Scriptures? Short answer: Yes.
PC(USA) Informational Videos
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What in the World is a Presbyterian Lesson 1 Basic Beliefs
My name is John Judson and i welcome to this series about what in the world is a Presbyterian. These videos are intended to offer brief and informative introductions to the beliefs and governance of Presbyterians. These videos are based on both general Presbyterian beliefs and governance, as well as those of Presbyterian Church USA. I have been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for the past 37 years and hope that these videos can assist those who are curious about Presbyterians and Presbyterians (especially those being trained as elders and deacons) who want to know more about our beliefs and governance.
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What in the World is a Presbyterian Lesson 3 Book of Order
My name is John Judson and i welcome to this series about what in the world is a Presbyterian. These videos are intended to offer brief and informative introductions to the beliefs and governance of Presbyterians. These videos are based on both general Presbyterian beliefs and governance, as well as those of Presbyterian Church USA. I have been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for the past 37 years and hope that these videos can assist those who are curious about Presbyterians and Presbyterians (especially those being trained as elders and deacons) who want to know more about our beliefs and governance.
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What in the World is a Presbyterian Lesson 6 The Session
My name is John Judson and i welcome to this series about what in the world is a Presbyterian. These videos are intended to offer brief and informative introductions to the beliefs and governance of Presbyterians. These videos are based on both general Presbyterian beliefs and governance, as well as those of Presbyterian Church USA. I have been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for the past 37 years and hope that these videos can assist those who are curious about Presbyterians and Presbyterians (especially those being trained as elders and deacons) who want to know more about our beliefs and governance.
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What in the World is a Presbyterian Lesson 7 Our Confessions
My name is John Judson and i welcome to this series about what in the world is a Presbyterian. These videos are intended to offer brief and informative introductions to the beliefs and governance of Presbyterians. These videos are based on both general Presbyterian beliefs and governance, as well as those of Presbyterian Church USA. I have been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for the past 37 years and hope that these videos can assist those who are curious about Presbyterians and Presbyterians (especially those being trained as elders and deacons) who want to know more about our beliefs and governance.
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What in the World is a Presbyterian Lesson 9 The Sacraments
My name is John Judson and i welcome to this series about what in the world is a Presbyterian. These videos are intended to offer brief and informative introductions to the beliefs and governance of Presbyterians. These videos are based on both general Presbyterian beliefs and governance, as well as those of Presbyterian Church USA. I have been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for the past 37 years and hope that these videos can assist those who are curious about Presbyterians and Presbyterians (especially those being trained as elders and deacons) who want to know more about our beliefs and governance.
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What in the World is a Presbyterian Lesson 10 Questions for Ordination
My name is John Judson and i welcome to this series about what in the world is a Presbyterian. These videos are intended to offer brief and informative introductions to the beliefs and governance of Presbyterians. These videos are based on both general Presbyterian beliefs and governance, as well as those of Presbyterian Church USA. I have been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for the past 37 years and hope that these videos can assist those who are curious about Presbyterians and Presbyterians (especially those being trained as elders and deacons) who want to know more about our beliefs and governance.
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Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist & Baptist: What's the Difference?
These Four Christian Denomination Families are all around, but what do they believe and what makes them different? This is a quick look at a few of the answers.
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